Home of Author & Artist Sylvia Kay

Flying Heron - Art by Sylvia Kay

Contact Sylvia Kay



Sailing - Art by Sylvia Kay

I had a sailboat and a dream...
To sail the Pacific Ocean
Visiting islands that tourists seldom see...
The boat has gone...
On a separate journey of her own...

But I’ve lived the dream...


I’ve sailed myself through LIFE's waters
Being with and learning from
Where the winds have carried me...

I’ve visited places I never dreamed to go...
Discovering realities I could never have imagined...

Sailing alone, on an uncharted inner sea...
Vast, unfathomable, deep and mysterious
With doldrums, storms and tidal waves...


I'd appreciate knowing if you are interested in either of my books... Please send me an email to the address you'll find at the bottom of this page...

All of my readers are invited to contribute to the ongoing growth and development of sylviakayfootsteps Google Group  –  My Readers' Forum; by contributing thoughts, feelings, experiences or ideas relevant to my work; helping us all to learn more about ourselves and living LIFE... There is also some additional material about me and my work available on my two blogs: "A Little More From Sylvia Kay @ SylviaKay.ca" on Blogger and "Sylviakayfootsteps 2" (My Introduction to the Google Group) also on Blogger.  You are welcome to read both of these.  At the beginning of March 2015, I created a NEW blog (also on Blogger) – "Steps in a Changing Life...", where I've shared some of my current art (which isn't part of either of my books or my web-site) as well as a few of the small things I've noticed or puzzled over during my day.  You're welcome to stop by and take a look...  Links to all three blogs and the group can be found at the bottom of  the "My Work" page. You will also find these links listed on the right side, near the top of this and all other pages under "Links to My Blogs and Readers' Forum"...
Otherwise, I'm very busy continuing to live my dream, so I don't have time to chat.  However, if you have something that feels really important for you to say, it will  be equally important that I listen.  I find writing works best.  This gives us both time to sit with what has been said and what wants to be said and get as clear as possible on why more feels required or doesn't.  You can reach me by email at:

I wish you the very best on your journey however it looks and wherever it leads you.  

Namaste -
Sylvia Kay  

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