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Soul walks her path
With legs of mind and body .
Using skills of both–
To understand and be...
Life it seems is mostly lived off balance. As soon as one foot is set down the other comes off the ground... This segment of my "meditation" has been part of my web-site from the beginning in 2009...
For reasons as yet unclear, for some time now, I've been practicing maintaining awareness of my feet and their ever changing position relative to the ground on which they move, throughout my day. I've found this surprisingly challenging to do. Absorbed in some other task, I frequently find I've lost awareness of my feet entirely... I've also been working to first find a center position where the rest of my body is supported as easily as possible and then to pass through this position as I move, with whichever foot is currently contacting the ground most fully and to also stop in this position when my feet come to rest.
Like most of the things I've done on my journey, I began and continue this practice, just because it feels important. I have no other reason... However, as I keep practicing I'll see what happens to me emotionally, mentally, physically with the rest of my body as well as where the steps my feet take lead me and how this feels. Examining any changes, while looking for possible connections to this new practice will reveal some of the reasons why... someday... I can tell you though, that this new center position I've arrived at, although it makes only a very slight alteration to how I stand and move, does use many previously unused muscles. This section of my "meditation" was added to my web-site in 2017...
An update to this "meditation" added January 2022:
Working to focus on my feet for so many years is helping me find a new balance between mind and body... I began to see with increasing clarity that mind's accustomed spheres of activity were getting in the way; impeding and hindering rather than helping soul's growth...This has necessitated a severe limiting of her activities and involvement to ONLY what DOES aid soul's growth... I need mind and she is VERY important, but we've had to learn a new way of being and working together... It has been and continues to be a VERY difficult adjustment for EVERYONE inside! She IS very useful, just not in the usual way... and body, I've found, is FAR more valuable and useful than is commonly believed! A great deal of my journey has involved learning how to work with my parts and finding a way to use each one to best advantage... after 30 years of work I'm STILL learning how this is to be accomplished!!! As each individual is unique, I can't give anyone a recipe... each person will need to pay attention and see and discover and learn the best way to organize and work with the parts they have for themselves... finding their own optimal balance... which seems to change to some degree with every step of growth.. so it's always an ongoing work in process...
As I work on making this adjustment in me, I look out at the modern day world, and wonder if it isn't similarly out of balance and therefore also in need of some adjustment... Here too, it seems mind has been exalted to a position FAR above what she deserves... Personally, since I've found much more REALLY useful and valuable learning lying embedded in body's experiences than I have up in the air with mind and her ideas, I think body and her experiences need a greater emphasis and mind and her ideas less...
Something to think about...
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