Home of Author & Artist Sylvia Kay

Flying Heron - Art by Sylvia Kay

Nouvelles - News & Updates

 (I will post the most recent on the top):


My most recent improvements to my web-site were made: 
October 2024


January 2024:

Portrait of "me" Sylvia Kay
by Hannah Thompson

2023 has been an EVENTFUL year for me!!!  I changed my look and cut my hair... Now that I'm solidly into my 70's, it’s suddenly much grayer, dryer and thinner... so I cut it and keep trimming and refining it, sometimes daily... searching for the “right” cut for my hair now...  The picture on the left was taken just after my first attempt at cutting my hair this past February...  

In addition, the building  I lived in for 20 years was the subject of a court order and is scheduled for demolition, so I was evicted this past summer.  However, it is still standing so maybe someone has appealed the court order...  I hope so, because it could still be a good building, and rental properties are in short supply... It just DESPERATLY needs to be repaired and maintained!!! The LARGE garden I built around it has been eroded; the plants that are left have to fend for themselves and are being steadily swamped by weeds and I’ve moved to a NEW apartment in a new village with a new, thankfully MUCH smaller garden space that I’m starting and planting... and I begin another phase of my life... only a few miles away physically, but the inner adjustments have been MUCH bigger...  and eclipse the superficial, visible changes...  This fall, I’ve also expanded my studies to include both The Alexander Technique and The Feldenkrais Method; adding these to the Acupressure and Qigong which I began studying last year and of course I still include the limited, but VERY important learning I gained from my study of  Craniosacral Therapy, with the Milne Institute... so long ago... which I'm also reviewing and expanding on now... I find they mesh VERY nicely together and are REALLY helping me to  deepen and  extend  the work I’ve done over the last more than 30 years!  

There have been and continue to be a multitude of smaller, even more important shifts in understanding which have been necessary and continue to evolve out of my experiences over the past 30 plus years generally and this last year in particular... I know I have A LOT still to digest...  as I keep working to grow me... clarifying my understandings and sorting through all my experiences... There are still MANY undigested details from the nine life-times I now hold in conscious awareness;; all of which are SO heavily tied to my experiences throughout the last 26 years...  and SUPER tied to my experiences in the building I've just vacated this past year...  I’ve done what feels like  the equivalent of a first draft of a book... now I get to re-work, clarify, revise and refine... from other vantage points and perspectives... 

Since 1990, I’ve come up against A LOT of “smoke” and “mirrors” as well as a few glimpses of what seems to be “a clear blue sky”... Life is complex and often seems contradictory and so are those who live it... SO...  I’m no longer even going to attempt to have my web-site keep pace with me!!!  Consequently... as with my books, which include 3 of my past lives and describe some of who and how I was from approximately 1991 to 2011, my web-site, (which includes some of my work with the more distant 5 past lives) now also represents only a part of who and how I was during the period from 2009 to 2022, but neither the books nor the web-site are ME!  Everything I've done, including my web-site and books, are only parts of my experience at certain times of my life’s journey... so what I've shared here are just parts I felt I needed to share...parts I thought might be beneficial for others to see...  The impressions and ideas you have taken from what I’ve shared are YOURS, which can be used in ANY way you can imagine as YOU work creating YOU...  I’m not saying I won’t ever add material to my web-site... I probably will... but the snippets I add will in NO way keep pace with "me" and my growth or learning...  

All I've added this January 2024, other than this “nouvelle”, are some additions which I hope improve  "My Work Page”...  and a few small changes elsewhere which mainly update the number of past-lives I'd missed updating as I went along....  I hope everything I've placed here is now corrected to read eight past and one current for a total of 9 life-times of material... but I'm HUMAN so I may still have missed this detail somewhere... I haven't changed "My Books Page" , which still just talks about 4 life-times, as I've only covered 3 of my past-lives in them.... I still have a piece I've intended to add to  “My Art Page” for several years now... but this year doesn't feel like the "right" time to add it... Maybe the "right" time never comes... I don't know...  I'll keep it and keep checking for a "right" feel... and we'll see...


January 2023:
I’ve added three new meditations at the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023... I hope you find them useful..,  I've also made a few changes elsewhere on my web-site, most notably to "My Work" page...

This past year has seen a fairly substantial shift in my work.  Having done as much as I have with the past material, I find I’m now FINALLY ready to work on myself in the way I wanted to back 25 years ago when I began my Milne Institute courses...  As a result, I’m now using more of what I learned in these courses as well as the acupressure techniques I studied on my own...  I don’t have ANY idea of what the consequences will be nor do I have ANY “norm” or “ideal” I try to match... and I’m NOT trying to “fix” anything, make me “healthy” or take away discomfort... I just notice, feel, watch and move or touch where and how it feels required... see what happens physically, emotionally and energetically, while looking for connections between the different pieces of “me”...  It’s MUCH more body centered than I have been working so it feels more grounded and CURRENT, but I HAD to do this other work to be able to do this now.  It’s a SLOW process!  The past 30 years has focused mainly on the mental and emotional aspects of "me"... Now, at last, I'm able to bring in more of the physical aspects I wanted to address and incorporate when I began...  A several week long session with gastroenteritis was what helped me make this shift...  SO glad I didn’t go to a doctor, or do anything else trying to relieve the symptoms...  I just ate little, “listened” to my body and worked in the ways I’ve indicated above, clarifying and understanding how I wanted to work and why.  It wasn’t an easy entry, but it was a VERY effective one!  I’m reminded again of the “magic” of the path and the necessity to go in difficult, challenging directions to find a way forward... In October of 2022, I also enrolled in an online acupressure course taught by Michael Reed Gach which is giving me a LOT more to work with than the little I learned on my own from books 25 years ago!


January 2022:
As I expected, I've continued to make changes for the first 3 weeks of January...  I feel fairly certain I'm now done revising here for awhile. My own small piece of life's puzzle is calling... I didn't modify either "My Books" or my "Contact me" pages.  I did make one small change to "My Art" page and still have another I want to make, but it will happen later... However, almost all my other pages were modified or revised; some a little and others a lot...  I've added quite a bit of material, which I think makes what I want to say clearer, but I know I've also risked making it more time consuming and perhaps difficult to read...  

Since the spring of 2020, I've put a lot of material here...I felt there was much I needed to say that could potentially contribute to the difficult, global conditions we all face at this time... My "Beginning/Introduction" page talks about what I've added and why I've added it in more detail...  During 2021, in addition to the numerous changes which were made (mostly to “My Work” and “Meditations” pages),  there have also been some revisions and updates to posts on  my “Steps in a Changing Life” blog... and then there are these  pictures of me; taken in "my garden"...  It isn't mine... I don't own or even rent the land... I've just been allowed to plan and plant a garden...  water and work with what is there...


Full Length Portrait of Sylvia Kay Summer of 2021
Me in the summer of 2021

Head & Shoulders Portrait of Sylvia Kay Summer of 2021
Me in the Summer of 2021

It was a bright sunny day, this past summer...and many of the plants were out in bloom...  The high contrast made it  photographically challenging, but my neighbor was ready with her iPhone, wanting to take some pictures of me in "my garden".  For once I was wearing something other than my usual earth stained work clothes... and these pictures are the result... They are spur of the moment, spontaneous photos of me, just as I was that day.  The other pictures of me on my web-site, were posed pictures taken by a professional photographer, a long time ago in the spring of 2009. For some time now I've been feeling like some kind of small, natural, unposed update was appropriate.  Appearances aren't so important, so I've placed these photos here where they can nestle quietly amongst my other updates...

March - May 2020:

Sunflower Seed Head - Art by Sylvia Kay

An important update about my web-site...

My web-site and accompanying blogs have become the major outlet for my work in the outer world...  Unlike my books, which stop with where I was in 2012, my web-site is keeping pace with the inner work I continue to do.  It is therefore in a constant state of change and evolution...  Although it does have "rest" times, usually when I'm busy with my inner work or some other project or just can't imagine how to say what I've said any better, I do continually re-work it by "tweaking" and adjusting the details to bring my web-site more in line with what I really want to say NOW...  adding touches that weren't included before, deleting parts which really don't contribute or highlighting some detail which might be overlooked to make what I have to say clearer and more understandable... Please keep this in mind and don't assume that  just because it "looks" the same that it IS the same!  If you look carefully you're likely to find some VERY important changes have been made... Like with LIFE, the details MATTER; so you'll find it worth your while to come back and look again to re-read, re-examine and re-think in light of the often seemingly small changes which have been made...

To "celebrate" my web-site becoming my primary venue, I've gone over it again... several times... making substantial changes to most of its main pages...  I've been revising and improving straight through from about mid March until mid May.  The pages which have been most changed are: the "Beginning & Entrance" (Introduction), "My Work", "My Books" and "My Art".  I've done my best to make each page important; so each one gives a different perspective and/or new information, not supplied on the other pages... However, I've now said what I want to, best I can... so my web-site is likely to "rest" unchanged for awhile... until I can imagine some further improvement...


February 2018: I work to recover from a DISASTER!!!

Again I face a situation similar to the one I faced back in December 2011 (you can read about this below)...  After transferring my web-site to Google's Blogger platform everything seemed to be running just fine... until the end of January 2018... when my site suddenly all but disappeared! If I typed just "sylviakay.ca" without the "www" in front into my address bar, I got a 404 error – "Page not found"!!! WHAT!!!  If I searched for "Sylvia Kay" around about page 14 of Google's search results, I found just my "About Sylvia Kay" page... but NOTHING else!!!  It was a REAL mess... undoubtedly due to my lack of knowledge about the Internet...  However, with some work and a little help from MANY sources, I seem to have managed to solve most of the problems and as of February 8th my site is THANKFULLY back in view and functioning better than before... Like Shakespeare said, "All's well that ends well"...


Spring - Art by Sylvia Kay

March 2017 A New Release of My Web-Site:

I've re-worked my web-site to put it on Google's Blogger platform since Web Studio is no longer being upgraded.  As I use Blogger for other Blogs, I've developed a familiarity with it and I just couldn't face learning yet another piece of software.  I expected to make only minor changes here and there...  However, as I worked transferring my web-site onto Blogger, I made more changes than I anticipated.  The pages which I've changed the most are: My Books, My Art, About Sylvia Kay and My Meditations.  I hope you enjoy my re-worked site...


A Butterfly's Life - Art by Sylvia Kay

 April 2015 - A New Blog...

At the beginning of March 2015, I began a NEW blog with a NEW focus...  You'll find more information as well as a link at the bottom of the "My Work" page... You're welcome to take a look at my new blog...


Cover of "An Inner Journey..." by Sylvia Kay


"An Inner Journey..." is now bigger and I think MUCH improved with the addition of  a new section on working alone.  A detailed description of  this NEW & IMPROVED  "An Inner Journey..." can be found on "My Books" page...

Although I've been working on this section for almost three years; I've waited until now to make it public, to make sure it was a really necessary and "right" addition.  I'm now feeling sure it is and the time feels "right" to make it public...  However, as time goes on, I find I'm making fewer and fewer additions or changes to either book.  As far as I am concerned, both books are now complete and finished.  Perhaps now they are done, my work on my web-site is too...  Making this change to "An Inner Journey..." I've also made a number of other changes to my web-site, but at least for now, my work here also feels finished; as I don't feel like including more of my current work.  Only if and when my books can go to press am I sure there will be changes for me to make here... 


The Bruise - Art by Sylvia Kay

 December 2011


In spite of trial hosting my site over and over, the final uploading of my site in January, 2011 was still a bit traumatic, requiring several tries with adjustments to get it to function properly.  However, in the end I felt pleased with the result. I'd looked at it with both FireFox and Internet Explorer and although my site displayed differently in each case, they were both acceptable.  Contented, I sat back in my chair making only small improvements and revisions for eight months, thinking all was well and that the bulk of the work was behind me.  I rested in this euphoric state until the end of September, when I happened to search my site using Google Chrome...  What a disaster!!!  All of my text, which I’d thought was uniformly black except for the blue I’d chosen for the links, with Google Chrome appeared in random blocks of black and blue.  I felt sick.  As an artist color feels SO IMPORTANT and this was A MESS!  Who, looking at my site with Google Chrome, which I’m now afraid would be almost everyone, will believe I have anything of value to contribute? OH WELL!  

I got busy correcting the colors, accepting me as human and trusting this can somehow be OK... Just correcting the colors is not  easy!  Like with my inner work, I now know, my computer doesn't display what everyone else sees, so the consequences of the changes I make are similarly uncertain...  The colors I choose in my design are frequently not the ones I see on the Internet with Google Chrome, so I keep trying to find what works... over and over...  Consequently I'm still working with the text colors.  However, at least my web-site has been  thoroughly refreshed, as I've made many other changes in the process...  Again, as with my inner work, I don't know if my web-site will ever look like I'd like it to...  I just keep working at it little by little...


Silk Flower Arrangement by Sylvia Kay

January, 2011 - My Web-Site is Renovated:

I hope you're enjoying my newly renovated web-site.  In spite of the difficulties and turmoil I encountered when I took the plunge and uploaded my new site, I really enjoyed creating it! It is my first attempt at doing all of the work by myself.  For my first web-site, I hired someone else to do most of the computer part for me.  At that time, when I'd just gotten a computer and knew nothing at all about the internet, it was my best option. Now, though, I felt ready to learn to use another piece of software and tackle this project on my own.   In the end, it went together fairly smoothly.  Partly, because I've been working on it steadily since the beginning of June last year and partly, because the software I chose to work with (WebStudio 5.0; available from www.webstudio.com) was so nice to use.  Although I'm sure, if I knew more it could be improved, on the whole, I'm satisfied with the result.  

However, with what I've shared here, on my blogs and in my books, I've made public and shared almost all I can about me and my work for now.  I find I'm ready to take the next step into the unknown and to shift my focus mainly to my private, personal life; whose unfolding moments are shareable only to a limited extent with those I encounter as I take each day's "right" steps...


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From here you can go....

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Beginning & The Entrance to... (Introduction)
My Work
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About Sylvia Kay
Contact Sylvia Kay