My Inner Journey Through 9 Life-times...
I invite you to Journey With Me on a Meditative River...
Take your time to explore and meditate on the writing and art I share. I hope you enjoy and benefit from our journey together...
In January 2011, I uploaded a completely new, renovated web-site. I worked hard on it for months... learned much and saw I still had much to learn, as I lived with what I'd done and stretched into the unknown – experimenting and learning from LIFE's best teachers – TRIAL & ERROR... My Dec. 2011 entry on my "Nouvelles" page shares one of these lessons...
Since 2020 I've added A LOT of material... As a result, my web-site is no longer so quickly or easily read... People are VERY complex and LIFE is just as complex! There are countless sides and perspectives to everything I see... Making it "simple" just isn't possible!!! In my Milne Institute courses, Hugh Milne used to often repeat, "The simple truth is nothing but a lie". Again and again it seems to me that this is so... Nonetheless, I feel everything I've added is important and contributes valuable information which can help us navigate through the troubled waters we've all been facing, in one way or another, since 2020... Since I feel we are likely facing a global, radical shift in direction, I feel a need to share some salient features of my journey. Over the past 30 years, I've also navigated my way through a radical shift in direction. It has been personal rather than global in scope, but it feels VERY relevant! I hope my personal experience and efforts assist in navigating the more general, global situation we all face. I've kept what I've placed here as "simple" and to the point as I could, but it may still take some additional effort on your part to read... However, like my mother used to say, "Things worth having are worth working for...". REAL gold doesn't come delivered, at no cost, for "free" on a silver platter... we have to work and dig for it or at/with it... It takes A LOT of effort to understand even a little of ourselves and the life we live... "Why" is a loaded question and the answers dig deep...
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Portrait of Sylvia Kay by Daniel Osborne Le Studio Photo - Gatineau, Que |
Sylvia Kay
Artist and Author
Just because my web-site looks unchanged... Don't assume it IS unchanged... Although the basic structure and major building blocks I've used have remained fairly static and constant over the years, I'm constantly adjusting and "tweaking" what I've offered here to improve the clarity of what I have to say. The details MATTER;, just as they do with LIFE, so you'll find it worth your while to come back and look again to re-read, re-examine and re-think in light of the often seemingly small changes which have been made...
My Quests & Journey of Self-Discovery / Self-Creation:
I've been primarily searching for meaning. If there wasn't a meaning behind what was inside me and the experiences I'd had, I saw NO reason for continuing. Randomly occurring trauma was just PAINFUL chaos and the interludes of comfort or pleasure weren't sufficient to make the trauma worth going through! I was HUNGRY for meaning and meaningful! I HAD to make sense of me and my experience, no matter what the cost might be!
The steps I've taken on this self-exploration / self-discovery quest, which has also included a quest to understand what I could of "good and beautiful", have been unique, as are many of the tools and methods I've employed. Taking this journey / quest, started by revealing three past lives which has now become eight, all of which were having a major impact on my life here/now. Although I was dimly aware of two of them, the third was a surprise as was the magnitude of their impact on me and how I was. The five more that surfaced later have resulted in a MUCH bigger and more complex picture... Only after spending almost five years completely submerged in déjà vu and fifteen more partially submerged, can I see how much I was carrying with me from before...
My two books: "FOOTSTEPS IN THE SANDS OF TIME... My Journey of Remembering, Self-Healing and Learning Through 4 Lifetimes" and "AN INNER JOURNEY... Footsteps of Poetry and Art", which I've written and illustrated; both – each in their own way, chronicle a descent into a personal Hell that's haunted me for the whole of this life. They tell the story of how I descended and crawled my way through experiences I wanted to bury and NEVER remember, by myself and apparently alone... As far as anyone could see, the only help I had came from my current life's experiences, books I'd read but left behind long ago, my training as a Cranial Sacral Therapist with The Milne Institute and the insights I gained from the workshops I took with Ipsalu Tantra International. I did get other IMPORTANT help... but it wasn't from any visible, worldly source... Throughout the descent and subsequent crawl, I was grateful to feel the constant presence of my inner guides, leading, guiding, helping and teaching. They were the ones who REALLY made my journey both possible and fruitful... Following my inner guides (who are like a wise part inside each of us and who are there to help and guide, each one of us, if we choose to open to them) through such harrowing terrain has helped me build an ongoing connection with mine that I don't EVER want to be without! For me, life is pure HELL if they feel absent!
I invite you to meditate on my steps and how I've worked with them as I've taken this meditative, questing journey, shared through art and writing here on my web-site, on my blogs and in my books.
The following section is at the bottom of each of the main pages of my web-site... When you see this piece you will know you've seen everything on the page...
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